EVENT 23rd Sept 2020: Windrush Next? In Memory of Paulette Wilson: Online Conference


Supported with funds from Paul Hamlyn Foundation, The Windrush Next? Struggle for Justice series frames the 2018 ‘Windrush Scandal’ within a historical but forward-facing narrative, bringing together campaigners, people affected by the Windrush Scandal, race equality practitioners, cultural historians and lawyers. The culmination of this programme will be an online conference on 23 September.

Streamed live on YouTube.

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The event will:

  • Set Windrush in historical context

  • Explore ways to commemorate the Windrush period

  • Share experiences in response to the Windrush

  • Scandal and hostile/compliant environment

  • Reflect on the analysis and recommendations of the Lessons Learned Review


  • Opening Address: special guest TBC

  • Panel 1: Windrush history and education

  • Panel 2: Hostile/compliant environment, immigration law and policy

  • Panel 3: Lessons Learned Review: what’s next?

  • Panel 4: Windrush Day commemorations Closing plenary


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