Event | 7th February 2024 Three Year Board Challenge Launch

Three Year Board Challenge Launch

Birmingham Race Impact Group (BRIG) is launching a new partnership with RSM to encourage organisations across the West Midlands to commit to improving diversity in their boardrooms within three years. The Three-Year Board Challenge was developed following an investigation by BRIG in 2020, which found the city’s boards are not reflective of Birmingham’s diverse and multicultural population. The Challenge will launch on February 7 during Race Equality Week.

A virtual event will be held to launch the Three Year Board Challenge on 7th Feb 17:00 – 18:00 pm, with key notes from:
· Karl George, Partner and Head of Governance, RSM UK
·  Patrick Vernon, Chair, Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board
·  Sal Naseem, Assistant Director, Insight, Policy and Strategy, Birmingham City Council
·  Sharonjit Clare, Independent Chair, Race Equality Taskforce, West Midlands Combined Authority

To register for this online event please go to


To sign up for the Three Year Challenge email BRIG at 3YC@wearebrig.co.uk

We look forward to seeing you there!