EVENT: 18th February 2021-COVID 19 Vaccine Conversations : Black Communities in City and Hackney


There are a lot of questions around the vaccine and virus impacts for the diverse communities of Hackney and the City. In response to this, City and Hackney Healthcare Partnership alongside community leaders are hosting an online vaccine event for our black communities.

Paneled by community leaders this is a first in a series of conversations we are having with community groups in City and Hackney. This will be a chance to have honest conversations and ask the questions you want answers to in regards to COVID-19 and the vaccine.

Answering your questions and providing information, Dr. Sandra Husbands, Director of Public Health for City and Hackney and Professor Donald Palmer, Associate Professor of Immunology at the Royal Veterinary College , University of London.

Our panel for the evening will include:

  • Reverend Rosemia Brown from St James The Great Church Clapton
  • Peter Merrifield CEO of SWIM Enterprises
  • Patrick Vernon OBE, social commentator, cultural historian and health activist
  • Viv Ahmun, Director, Aspire Education Group – Europe and Africa
  • Janette Collins, MBE, Manager, The Crib your project
  • Rosemary Jawara, Peer Educator, Beersheba Livingwell for Black and diverse communities at greater risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Toyin Agbetu, Community Educator, Ligali – Pan African, human rights organisation
  • Abdi Hassan, Founder Coffee Afrique, Somali community
  • Yvonne Field, CEO, Ubele – African Diaspora led intergenerational social enterprise

You can submit your questions to the panel when registering through Eventbrite. This event is open to City and Hackney residents and workers and community organisations.

This event is hosted by City and Hackney CCG, Hackney Council and The City of London Corporation, HCVS, VCH, Healthwatch, and Public Health.

To register for event click here