EVENT: Monday 28 March 2022 – Migration, People of Colour and the Nationality Borders Bill

Migration, People of Colour and the Nationality Borders Bill

A discussion on what the bill means for those seeking asylum and citizenship of people of colour living in the UK.

Monday 28 March at 7.30pm.

Hosted by Racial Justice Advocacy Forum (RJAF), in partnership with CTE, the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT), and the Evangelical Alliance, the panel will share what the Nationality and Borders Bill means for our churches and discuss its adverse impact on those seeking asylum and citizenship of people of colour living in the UK.

This event is chaired by CTE’s Principal Officer for Pentecostal, Charismatic and Multi-cultural Relations, Shermara Fletcher. Also on the panel:

  • Alicia Edmund – Head of Public Policy at the Evangelical Alliance
  • Rev Steve Tinning from JPIT (JPIT is the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church working together for peace and justice)
  • Rev Wale Hudson-Roberts – RJAF
  • Dr Patrick Vernon OBE – Academic and cultural historian

Register for your webinar place here.