IDEA Symposium 2013


On the May 10, 2013 the University of Warwick will be holding IDEA Symposium 2013, a day demonstrating the benefits of close collaboration between researchers and research users, and discussing strategies to overcome the barriers to such collaborations.

Speakers will reflect on key issues, tools and strategies for integrating and communicating academic, clinical and social research findings ‘on the ground’ and to a wide variety of audiences, from politicians to patients and their care-givers. The event will also build on the insights and evidence generated by speakers and by a panel of researchers from the clinical and social sciences, humanities and the arts. Hackney Councillor Patrick Vernon, OBE will be discussing evidence in local politics and the third sector.

The IDEA Symposium will offer a venue in which participants will

  • Learn from the experiences of research users from local government, the media, the Third Sector, and industry;
  • Evaluate examples of best practice from a wide range of disciplines; andShare their extensive of research and practice in addressing questions of ethnicity and health.

    There is no registration fee, and parking, lunch and refreshments will be provided.

    For more information about the event click here or to register click here

    (Please note places are limited so please register early)

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