Aspirations for the constituents of Manchester Central
Labour in Manchester Central needs a parliamentary candidate who is proven to be a strong, energetic campaigner with a passion and commitment to social justice and tackling inequalities in education, health, housing, and environment. A person who can address equality issues with the skills to unite and build bridges in a diverse and vibrant constituency.
I am experienced in organising and leading campaigns, nationally as well as at council level, establishing profiles with the media, and motivating members to get involved to make a real difference to Labour’s chances to holding and sustaining Manchester Central.
I have already started to meet the people who will make the difference and when selected I promise to hit the ground running with a strong campaign to support not only the parliamentary but also the local elections.
I hope you will vote to give me the chance to be a strong Labour candidate, and then MP, for Manchester Central.
To read my Pledge to Manchester click here
I have already spoken to local Party members and enjoyed meeting many of you.
However, if you have any questions for me or issues you want to raise with me before deciding who to support, please give me a call on 07976 731 539, email or twitter @ppvernon. I look forward to hearing you and seeing you a the selection meeting at the Methodist Central Hall, Central Buildings, Oldham Street, Manchester M1 1JQ on Monday 16 April starting at 7.00pm.
Patrick Vernon