Event: Saturday 15th October 2022 – Stand Up To Racism International Conference

Stand Up To Racism International Conference

Attempts to divide and rule through the scapegoating of refugees, migrants and the Muslim community are central to attempts to deflect criticism of those truly responsible for the cost of living crisis – the government.

The Stand Up To Racism international conference will bring together activists from across Britain and internationally. Join us in fighting to build a mass antiracist movement.

Speakers include:

Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP, Dawn Butler MP, Michael Holding (author and international cricketer), Lee Jasper (political activist), Mya-Rose ‘Birdgirl’ Craig (ornithologist and climate activist), Shami Chakrabarti (human rights activist), Daniele Obono (member of the French National Assembly), Cas Mudde (author and political scientist), Jermain Jackman (Winner of 2014 The Voice), Trevor Ngwane (South African activist), Wilf Sullivan (TUC Race Equality Officer)

Chantelle Lunt (Merseyside BLM), Ryan Colaco (campaigner against police brutality), Kevin Courtney (NEU joint gen sec), Patrick Vernon (anti racist campaigner), Weyman Bennett (Stand Up To Racism co convenor), Clare Moseley (CEO Care4Calais), Mohammed Kozbar (chair of Finsbury Park Mosque), Anzoumane Sissoko (French antiracist activist), Sarah Woolley (BFAWU gen sec), Juliana Ojinnaka (UCU Black Members Committee Chair), Shavanah Taj (Wales TUC gen sec), Roger McKenzie (Morning Star), Elise Bryant (author and activist), David Rosenberg (Jewish Socialist Group), Denis Goddard (French anti racist activist), , Talha Ahmad (Muslim Council of Britain), Cathy Pound (Searchlight), Sabby Dhalu (Stand Up To Racism co convenor), Fiona Sim (Justice for Sim Family).

The conference will be taking place physically in central London with full online participation. We want to play our part in insuring that the room is packed, and that anti racists across the whole of Britain and wider are taking part.


Sessions will run consecutively:


1) From BLM to Child Q & the killing of Chris Kaba… Resisting institutional racism

Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP, Jermain Jackman (Winner of The Voice 2014), Dawn Butler MP, Chantelle Lunt (Merseyside BLM), Ryan Colaço (campaigner against police brutality), Kevin Courtney (NEU joint gen sec), Patrick Vernon (anti racist campaigner), Weyman Bennett (Stand Up To Racism co convenor), Lee Jasper (political activist), Elise Bryant (author), Marcia Rigg (justice for Sean Rigg)

2) #StopRwanda opposing the racist hostile environment – all refugees welcome

PCS speaker, Clare Moseley (CEO Care4Calais), Wilf Sullivan (TUC Race Equality Officer), Mya-Rose ‘Birdgirl’ Craig (ornithologist and climate activist), Shami Chakrabarti (human rights activist), Mohammed Kozbar (chair of Finsbury Park Mosque), Trevor Ngwane (South African activist), Anzoumane Sissoko (French political activist), Julie Sherry (Stand Up To Racism national organiser), Mohammad Asif (Afghan Human Rights Foundation)

3) Cost of Living crisis – unity & solidarity – don’t let the racists divide us

Eddie Dempsey (Assistant gen sec RMT), Jane Loftus (CWU vice president), Kudsia Batool (TUC Head of Equalities), Sarah Woolley (BFAWU gen sec), Michael Holding (author and international cricketer), Juliana Ojinnaka (UCU Black Members Committee Chair), Shavanah Taj (Wales TUC gen sec), Roger McKenzie (Morning Star), Paula Peters (Disabled People Against Cuts)

4) How do we stop the racist & fascist right – no to hate and division

Francesco Galleri (6000 Sardines – Italy), David Rosenberg (Jewish Socialist Group), Denis Goddard (French anti racist activist), Danièle Obono (member of the French National Assembly), Elise Bryant (Coalition of Labor Women & United Against Hate – US), Talha Ahmad (Muslim Council of Britain), Cas Mudde (author and political scientist), Cathy Pound (Searchlight), Michael Bradley (Stand Up To Racism national organiser), Sabby Dhalu (Stand Up To Racism co convenor), Fiona Sim (Justice for Sim Family).

Date: Saturday 15th October 2022 | 11am – 5pm

Location: TBC

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