Help us fund Windrush Victim’s Judicial Review GoFundMe

First, may I say a great big thank you to all of you who have donated generously already to this cause. We are most grateful and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We are pleased to report that we have raised enough money for the Pre Action Protocol Letter and that the letter was filed with the Home Office on 16th January 2024.
The Home Office has 14 days to respond with any concessions that may assist with our claimant’s case. Failing that our claimant has until 12th February 2024 to raise the additional funds to lodge his Judicial Review. We need as a minimum £10,000.
We are asking for one final big push to increase the funding and to ask you to keep sharing this page so that it reaches as many people as possible. We are seeking to attract the attention of the media to boost our efforts to raise funds for this cause. We have enclosed the Pre Action Protocol Letter for you to read yourself and for you to understand the issues many of the Windrush Survivors face at the hands of our current immigration system.
Finally, Mr Reynolds Simon-Thompson would like to say he is pleased to see the overwhelming support he has received so far and would like to thank all those personally who have supported the cause.
Click here to read the Reynolds Pre Action Protocol Letter
About this GoFundMe
We are the Windrush Legal Advice Clinic based in the Wolverhampton. We started our organisation in 2020 based on the outcry of the Windrush scandal that hit the UK media headlines in 2018. Specifically that of Paulette Wilson who lived and worked in Wolverhampton.
Unfortunately, she sadly passed away after experiencing the harsh and cruel treatment of the Home Office as a result of her legal immigration status in the UK. Our organisation is co-founded by Professor Patrick Vernon, who continues to campaign for the rights of Windrush Survivors across the UK.
We have done some partnership work with Wolverhampton University and their law school by assisting with completing the compensation claim forms and raising awareness. We are able to do this work from donations from the public and funding from Action for Race Equality (ARE)
Our client is 87 year old Mr Reynold Simon-Thompson who is supported by his son Mr Raffer Simon-Thompson from Trinidad. He has tried to return to the United Kingdom since 1988. Having applied as a returning resident under the Windrush Scheme his application was denied, but Mr Simon-Thompson made strong arguments about the interpretation of S. 34 Immigration Act 1971. Our client’s only recourse now is to challenge the decision by way of judicial review. If successful, it could make significant changes to the way the legislation is considered for Windrush victims overseas going forward. Mr Reynolds Simon-Thompson has a brother and sister with nephews and nieces that were in the UK. His sister serving in the NHS until her recent passing 3 months ago. As a result he has missed family events, such as weddings, graduations, funerals, and holidays. Mr Reynold Simon-Thompson said “I am appalled that it has come to this … having to find large amounts of money for legal justice … it should be free, win or lose.”
We are grateful for any support and all your support. You can contact us with all Windrush enquires on the link below.
This matter is time sensitive however. A Judicial Review must be brought ‘promptly’ and in any event within 3 months. The 3-month deadline expires on 12 February 2024 however, the pre action protocol process needs to be completed before that and funds will be needed to cover that expensive pre-action stage. Our client needs to start that stage by 08 January 2024 at the latest”.